Excellent beautiful little details - For those who hate the "twilight" vampire
22 May 2016
Vampires have become ridiculous. The "twilight" vampire, a term honoring that laughable saga made for shallow teenagers, permeates the entertainment industry, and it's hard to find one of these creatures not affected by it.

Luckily, we have films like this Swedish piece; full of little details which give credibility and overall "coolness" to production, it dwells in dark areas of the mind, away from the corny and cheesy spotlights of pre-pubescent fanbases.

It is not in-your-face explicit, while being more clear and straight than others, perhaps because of that.

Tired of sissy vampires and their ridiculous stories? Detox with this great movie.

(Oh, I don't think the English version was bad, but the original is clearly superior)
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