The girls school run amok
9 May 2016
"The Belles of St. Trinian's" is a British comedy similar to other films about schools run amok. It has a different twist however. Here the disorder and havoc are fomented by an unorthodox "faculty" as much as by a generally unruly student body. Indeed, the film leads one to wonder how many of the faculty have their faculties.

The humor in this setup soon wears thin, and the screaming hordes after a while become grating. What saves the film, or makes it in the first place are the performances of three of the cast. Alastair Sim is very funny in his double role, especially as St. Trinian's head mistress. He/she is Millicent Fritton, sister of Clarence, also played by Sim.

Two excellent performances are given by George Cole as Flash Harry and Joyce Grenfell as a police sergeant, Ruby Gates. She goes undercover to check on illegal activities suspected of going on through the school. The film is worth seeing for these three performances that generate most of the laughs.

Here's a funny exchange between Millicent and Flash Harry. Millicent, "She says there is an illicit still on the premises." Harry, "It ain't a still. It's a homemade gadget for makin' bath tub gin." Millicent, "There is a man her called Flash Harry …" Harry, "Yeah. But she's no right to call me that in official documents." Millicent, "… who acts as a contact man." Harry, "Oh, that's a lie. I'm a go-between."
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