Life Aquatic
12 March 2016
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is written, directed and produced by Wes Anderson. It tells the story of an oceanographer trying to get revenge on a shark after it ate his best friend. And for the most part, I really liked the Life Aquatic. Anderson's style resonates throughout the film: it's silly, goofy and bright. Some of it doesn't really make sense, but it's established by the tone of the film that that doesn't really matter. The cast is great: Bill Murray, Willem Dafoe, Cate Blanchett, Jeff Goldblum and others. Almost everyone is great, especially Murray with his sarcastic humor that never gets old and Goldblum with his eccentric antics. For me though, hat's off for Willem Dafoe. He stole every scene he was in as the German engineer. He was so funny and just great. I have to say I did not like Owen Wilson in this, at all. He plays this pilot from Kentucky, which is fine as a character, but the problem is I didn't see the character in the movie, I just saw Owen Wilson trying to do a terrible accent. Either cast someone else or don't have Wilson's character be from Kentucky.

Also, for me the movie is at its best when it's silly and joyful, but the movie does fall back to melancholy and drama at times and that for me didn't really work that well in this type of film after the tone of silliness was established.

However, overall The Life Aquatic is a very good movie, with great set designs and characters and great silly creatures and props. Things you don't see a lot in movies anymore and I really appreciate those kinds of things. You can tell a lot of heart went into doing this and I love that. The Life Aquatic is one of a kind and although it may get tedious at times, it's still a project that was made with a lot of love and creativity, so I respect it for that.

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