Fear the Walking Dead: Cobalt (2015)
Season 1, Episode 5
Do the Means Justify the End?
22 December 2015
Nick has a conversation with his cell mate Strand. Meanwhile Ofelia challenges the soldiers throwing objects at the fence asking where her mother is and Andrew Adams comes to take her home. Liza is working in the medical facility under the supervision of Dr. Exner and she learns that Griselda had to amputate her foot. Madison overhears a beat and she finds Daniel and Ofelia in the basement of their neighbor's house and Adams tied to a chair. When Madison and Ofelia leave the basement, Daniel tortures Adams to know where Griselda and Nick are. Meanwhile Travis meets Moyers and tells that he will face an insurrection in the community and Moyers asks Copro Castro to drive Travis to the medical facility. In their journey, they need to stop to fight against zombies that have trapped another National Guard team. Only Castro and a few man return and they drive Travis back to the safe zone. Meanwhile the Salvadorian Daniel recalls his life in El Salvador and tortures Adams. Soon he learns the meaning of "Cobalt" and where Liza, Griselda and Nick are. Daniel also learns that the National Guard has locked 2,000 infected in the arena nearby the facility. Liza Visits Griselda with Dr. Exner but they are incapable to save her life. What will Daniel do to retrieve Griselda?

"Cobalt" is a stupid episode of "Fear the Walking Dead". Daniel proves that he is a monster torturing Adams that was betrayed by Ofelia. Do the means justify the end? Madison is a disappointing character, leaving the soldier in the hands of the sick and wicked Daniel. Liza is a beautiful character helping the needy people. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Cobalt"

Note: El Salvador, or Republic of El Salvador, is a small country in Central America (and not in Mexico).
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