Haven: Forever (2015)
Season 5, Episode 26
Farewell to a really cool show ... Haven and the troubles will never be forgotten ;)
19 December 2015
The story of haven and the troubles is over ,, with somehow a semi- happy ending .. i kinda wished it to be a full on happy for all the characters .. but it is what it is . Five years have passed since we first saw Audrey Parker coming into Haven, being saved by Nathan from that cliff and Duke Crocker giving here that pink girly phone .. yep i just re-watched the first episode ever ;)

The finally was nice .. tying all the loose ends and saving Haven, I wouldn't say i wished it went a bit longer because we don't know how slow and boring the show would go .. so i think it was a perfect timing for ending the show even though i would miss that town of SyFy.

The whole cast were always engaging and did one hell of job over those years keeping their characters more and more intriguing each season and the writers making us each and every finale think about who to root for , whether the guards, Dwight, Audrey and Nathan, Mara and Crocker .. Crocker is good Crocker is bad .. so many plots just to make us always feel the new day in Haven, Maine.

So Farewell to a really cool show, farewell to the cast, writers, directors ... etc , and finally i wanted to say farewell to us the fans, but we will be always a fans of Haven and the story of the troubles ;)
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