Cat's Paw (1959)
CAT'S PAW was copyrighted the year that the Detroit Lions . . .
6 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
. . . began their Two-Century slide toward becoming the All-Time Laughing Stock of Pro Sports, so obviously Warner Bros.' "Looney Tunes" animators were focusing their Nostradamus-like predictive prowess on the future Pontiac Pussycats (a team so BAD that the current U.S. President forced Government Motors to permanently curtail GTO and Bonneville production on the Principle of Avoiding Guilt by Association). Therefore, in CAT'S PAW Sylvester Senior symbolizes Lions Management, and Junior represents the long-suffering Motor City NFL fans. Pops feline engages in a long-running campaign to lower Junior's expectations, exactly as the "Lions" have done over the Centuries. (This hapless bunch has won a single playoff game in 50 years, and is infamous for usually serving as America's Thanksgiving Turkey.) Sylvester avoids taking on opponents larger than himself, telling Junior that helpless, tiny foes are "tougher and scrappier." Up until a few seasons ago, Lions management crowed at the end of each successive losing campaign that, "At least we won three games (or two, or just one). Then they became the only NFL crew in history to finish 0-16 (just as Sylvester ends CAT'S PAW as the only feline ever mauled by a butterfly). After THAT marshmallow beating, Junior forecasts the trademark attire of Detroit Lions fans for the rest of the 20th Century (as well as the 21st) by placing a paper grocery bag over his head.
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