The best of a set
27 November 2015
After watching many of last year's gay vampire themed movies, I found this to be the best of the lot. Not that it's very good, or even good, but incomparable better than flops like 'The Vampire Boys' (1&2) or 'Kissing Darkness'. However poor the special effects, they could be find in modest sitcoms, and are ages afar the cited rival films. The main problem I found is the acting. Apart from Lucas (Rhys Howells) the main vampire, the cast can hardly deliver their lines, what is made more difficult because of the exaggerate fangs they wear. At least, most of the main cast of vampires is very cute, what may make you dismiss how bad they act. In a general evaluation, I find the movie passable for fans of the genre, that will have two hours of entertainment in a flick that had a necessary continuation in Vampires: Lucas Rising.
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