Black Hooker (1974)
Better Than I Expected
26 October 2015
Street Sisters AKA Black Hooker

I got this film in a 50-pack Drive-in collection. The film isn't all that bad. The story is interesting but it is lacking better directing and the script needed a bit more cleaning up but otherwise it's fairly good story. The film surprised me - better that I was guessing it would be. The core of the story is about love and hate. Good vs evil. Right vs wrong. God vs the Devil.

The story is basically about one family their trials and tribulations with prostitution. The hooker daughter and her mother try to get along but the father hates his daughter. The mother is a horrible woman and hooker, she leaves her son with her parents -- he was raised by his grandparents and always missed the love of his mom. The boy is half white and half black -- this is one of the reasons he is cast aside by a few people - including is own mother. His grandmother is a very good Christian woman and the peacemaker of the family. His grandfather is a crazy preacher man.

The ending is lacking a bit more but otherwise a pretty good film.

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