Poor Kung Fu film.
24 October 2015
I just don't understand the fuss. I grew up on martial arts films. So i know a good one when i see one. I don't know, maybe i was spoilt as a kid by having the benefit of the three dragons making movies to a niche market in an era when word of mouth and not social media drove cinematic entertainment. I had to turn this off after 20 minutes. It doesn't compare with anything from the 70's up to todays films like IP man. The humour's(if you can call it that with a serious face) derived from racist stereotypes If you love Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, the three dragons or any half decent Chinese kung fu movies going back to late 70's give this a miss. Even the 'out there' Chinese vampire movies are better than this nonsense. Its poor. I'm putting Operation condor or project a on, i need therapy after subjecting myself to that :(
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