Another Reimagined Movie Which Fails to Understand It's Origins
12 October 2015
There seems to be a trend of remaking action movies from the 1980's which seem to believe more hyper kinetic fights for those with attention deficit dis order is better while discarding the building of sympathetic characters can go by the wayside. I found it disturbing that the Mad Max Thunder Road received high ratings when it completely failed to show me why i should care about him or Furiosa. At least that movie had a great 2 minute fight scene, Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron were well cast along with interesting visuals and a clean if uninteresting plot. None of that can be said for Terminator Genisys. Arnold Schwarznegger is the only good thing in this movie, he was given a lot of dialogue to set up the confusing scifi rules, he did as well as could be expected. Emilia Clarke was a horrible Sarah Connors, too short, not focused and mean with the self awareness dialogue ruined it for me. The Jason Clarke weirdo laugh at the opening was too much of a tip off he was part machine (that's given away in the previews), he's simply not a good actor to pull off such duplicity. Finally, I don't get why Jai Courtney has large roles, he's off putting in everything I have seen, just another Hard Dead performance, yet another reminder why the original Die Hard movie was great while he stunk in the 2013 sequel. Regarding the action pieces, there's more of the unmemorable crowding out the reason to care to be in 2 hours of escapism.
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