American Horror Story: Checking In (2015)
Season 5, Episode 1
Strong come back with a creepier story .. a little tense about Gaga's act .. but lets enjoy it and hope this season turns to be what we expect.
8 October 2015
That was a really strong come back for the show .. this episode by so many level has a tighter plot a more understandable story at least than the last two seasons >>> it looks indeed as creepy as the AHS Asylum and that is a wowzer .

comes the casting "which i believe is gonna be keeping up to date each episode " but the old cast is there and they know how things work in the show so no need to compliment more on their performance .. bringing Wes Bentley and he's a pro on the big screen with a long list of movies so here it's kinda new work place but honestly his face is giving that vibe that he's right for the show ... would i have preferred to see "Dylan McDermott" back instead of him .. well yeah but it is what it is .. Aaand for the famous Lady Gaga ;) well i though she might have appeared in the last series "Freak Show" i mean she fits better there .. so here i don't see it yet .. and she thinks "in the show" that she is the queen of script .. but she's not that good of actress so just hold your horses Lady :D .. so for the sake of the show i hope they don't write the script around Her .

Overall,, i was waiting for this day for several months so lets enjoy the new creative story and hope that it turns the way we expect it to do.
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