Blue Bloods: Worst Case Scenario (2015)
Season 6, Episode 1
27 September 2015
I knew it!from the start of the episode!.Another "adventure" in giving Islam a bad name!, just like so many other TV shows lately,NCIS ,NCIS Los Angeles etc.Come on guys!,enough of this. I used to enjoy Blue Bloods for excellent story lines,and top-notch acting.But lately they have joined the bandwagon to portray Islam as a "terrorist" religion.They are giving bad publicity to Islam. For those viewers who are new to this religion,this episode will surely be a start to see Islam as a bad religion.For those viewers who view Islam and Muslim in the negative, they surely enjoy this episode.Please move on! You are giving paranoia a bad name!..3 star for the acting..and Tom Selleck is still "expressionless"..
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