The Hurricane (1999)
2 October 2015
I liked the movie. I thought Denzel Washington was excellent until I shut it off in disgust in the middle. Why? Because the film makers lied in the middle of the movie. They purport to show that Hurricane Carter was robbed of the middleweight title by racist judges. The problem is I saw the fight. It was against a tough Italian American boxer from Philadelphia - Joey Giardello, the reigning champ. There was a head butt, probably unintentional, in one of the early rounds. It opened up a cut over Giardello's eye. Nevertheless, for the rest of the fight Giardello gave Carter a boxing lesson. The decision in favor of Giardello was clearly correct and not controversial at the time. I have no gripe against Carter, when asked about the fight he said without hesitation that Giardello won the fight. I believe that the producers had to make a settlement in Giardello's favor. Why does liberal Hollywood not just stick to the facts when recounting recent history. They are obsessed with racism whether real or imagined, I lost all respect for the producer, director and all parties involved except for Carter who remained true to the code of the athlete and gave proper credit to his opponent.
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