Intriguing Aussie sci-fi item
30 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In a bleak near future murder has become a commonplace occurrence. Hired killers Holden Janicowsky (well played with stoic resignation by Damon Gameau) and Hunter Thompson (a solid performance by Ayse Tezel) find themselves in considerable jeopardy after they cross paths with innocent lass Camille (an endearing turn by Leah de Niese) and vengeful prostitute Charlene (a winningly saucy portrayal by the foxy Samantha Noble).

Writer/director Ronan Michael Hoole keeps the gripping story zipping along at a breakneck pace, maintains an uncompromisingly grim tone throughout, offers a vivid depiction of a shockingly dark, amoral, and dangerous world, and delivers a provocative central point on the massive spiritual toll ending human lives takes on one's soul. Moreover, Hoole's flashy and dynamic style, Marc Windon's splashy and dynamic cinematography, and the pulsating score by The Midnight Juggernauts all give this film an extra exciting and invigorating raw vitality. Worth a watch.
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