The American (2010)
Yet another stinker of a movie for George Clooney
24 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I have sat through George Clooney's "Syriana" twice on television, and not once did we "get" what the film was all about. And now, at the end of viewing "The American", we felt like throwing all but the kitchen sink at the television! For quite some time into the film there was an acceptable degree of tension created in following the subject "Jack" from Sweden on his travel and then sojourn in Italy (complete with great countryside shots). But then: WHAT? Good film scripts like all good books need to have a comprehensible narrative which transport the viewer/reader along with them. Certainly not in this real stinker and bore of a movie. Attitudinising on the part of the character and actor conveyed nothing about the so-called plot - assuming there was one but it was certainly invisible to us. No, a dreadful and irritating waste of time for us.
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