Legend (I) (2015)
Amazing cast, not so amazing execution
18 September 2015
I'll kick this off by saying that when I walked into the cinema it was to see two things:

  • The gimmick of Tom Hardy playing two separate characters

  • A new gangster/mob movie to add to the many great epics (Godfather, Good fellas etcetera)

And honestly this movie is in no way shape or form terrible, but with that criteria in mind it let me down a little.

Having said that I'll start with the positives:

  • HARDY HARDY HARDY! His portrayal of Reg Kray is a good performance but the humour and darkness that comes with playing Ronnie is what elevates this movie from every tragic plot ever to a solid romp.

  • Supporting cast - David Thewlis is great, Taron Edgerton is unrecognisable from Kings man and Paul Bettany may only be in 2 scenes but those scenes were probably, aside from Hardy's, the best in the film.

Now for the downsides:

  • This film is a third gangster film, and two thirds romance. You know how in Good fellas they kept the distinction between Henry and Karen a separate but pivotal plot point to everything else that went on? In this one the relationship is the main focal point. And it isn't even that the chemistry is bad, it's just that it's very repetitive - they're fighting, they've made up, they're fighting again - when in reality I just wanted more Ronnie Kray scenes.

  • There is no centrepiece to the film. There are a few decent scenes but nothing which screams iconic.

  • Christopher Eccleston, in my opinion, has been underutilised again! It happened in Thor the dark world, and it happened in this - the dude is a great actor and he was cast as "Evil antagonist with small back story" in Thor," and "Generic policeman wanting to get his man" in this.

In the end ladies and gents if you just want to be entertained for 2 hours with some solid acting give this film your attention purely for Hardy's performance. If you want to spend your money on the new big gangster movie, save your cash for when it comes out on DVD or TV.
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