Doctor Who: The Survivors (1963)
Season 1, Episode 6
It just gets better
9 September 2015
The Doctor, Ian and Susan delve further into The City in search of Barbara, little knowing that she and they are not alone.

I love how Ian stands up to the Doctor, you can imagine nobody speaks up to him, he's met his match with Chesterton.

The Daleks are obviously the ultimate foe in the Show's history, and this is where it all started, they look so iconic even then, what a fabulous design. Even the negative light effect when they fire looks so good.

The cast once again are magnificent. They knew full well that what they were making was superb.

It's an excellent episode for multiple reasons, there is lots of character development going on between all four. The Daleks are villains but given a back story, and all four characters are placed in danger. It's just glorious. 10/10
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