This is a wonderful movie for grown-ups.
23 August 2015
No car chases here, barely any cars at all. This is a terrific, accurate slice of the American family the way it is, not the way we wish it were. It's a tale told with edge yet heart.

It's difficult to put Kevin Klein and "understated" in the same paragraph, but here it is. He is the perfect glue connecting two disparate, desperate worlds between estranged mother and cuckolded daughter. His performance in "Ricki" makes me appreciate, and want tore-visit his earlier movies.

Cries of nepotism seem childish once you see the film. Even if you didn't know that Mamie Gummer was related to the title star, you would easily have put her in that role. You hate her; feel sorry for her; and then root for her.

My only quibble is that I can't see the movie making any money after Sony finishes paying royalties on all the great songs!
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