Togetherness (2015–2016)
A show about being over 30 and all that contains
6 August 2015
Togetherness is a really cool show. It is made by the Duplass brothers, Mark and Jay. It has the feel of quirky humour glazing over harsh struggles of reality, reminiscent of the show Girls. But Togetherness focuses on an older generation, the thirties. The thirties is a funny age as it is considered the age where there is some settlement or structure to life but also pressure as the Forties (aka middle age) is approaching fast! People have young happy families, long term partners, and established careers when they are in their thirties – well, do they?

Togetherness revolves around the Pierson family set in the suburbs of LA. Brett and Michelle Pierson were high school sweet hearts who got married when they were young and now have two young children. They feel there is lack of romance and passion in their relationship and want to re-ignite whatever they had with each other. However, their relationship has long ago become a practical and sensible one and they are unable to get out from their entrenched responsibilities, worries and anxieties.

Brett's best friend Alex is an actor that has been playing small roles in Hollywood for years. He has been recently evicted from his apartment and is at a cross roads as to whether he should continue pursuing his acting career or to give up and do something entirely different. Alex thinks it is too late for him to do something new but he wonders how long he can continue in an industry that focuses so much on appearance and the reality of him being an overweight balding man. He understands his disadvantage in such a harsh, competitive reality, but he doesn't let himself fall into self-pity, quackery or self-help theories.

Tina, Michelle's sister, is an aging tanned LA beauty, that may be considered "hot" by some. She doesn't have a clear employment nor a stable relationship: both of which she is desperate to obtain. She has a clear idea of what she is lacking and how she is lacking yet her natural desire is to live as she likes. She is drawn to stable relationships because she thinks she should have someone. She is desperate to continue on a ridiculous business venture just so she feels she has "made something of herself".

Despite the title "Togetherness" it doesn't have a cheesy "happy together" kind of message. It is a really cool show that shares the daily struggles of the thirties. As the characters explore, struggle and grow, we can empathise and laugh, at ourselves.

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