You Must Make Babies!
22 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a lot better but just had to go the road more traveled. In the end they make it out like it's wrong for people in their 40s to even try to be remotely different than all the breeders around them. Well here's news for you: older people without children often have infinitely more interesting lives than those saddled with kids.

Why does every couple have to reproduce…at least according to Hollywood? This is rather ironic seeing that Hollywood folks quite often lead disastrous personal lives with three and four separate families in their wake.

The story was of the young couple meeting up with the middle aged couple was fun. Just because I'm an old man doesn't mean that I can't be cool, and cool has nothing to do with appearances like some retarded hat or a beard. Cool definitely isn't hip hop. Cool is having an original thought.

Once again another move closes with the creators not having the slightest idea of an ending so they go for the done-to-death finale of the couple deciding that, yes, what they really want is a baby. How about if they just went off to Paris together liked they talked about earlier? Or would than make them selfish?
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