Intriguing characters looking for a plot
5 July 2015
I like most of Tennessee Williams's work. But I have to say that while parts of Ten Blocks On The Camino Real show some promise, it's like a bunch of intriguing characters looking for a plot.

Williams must have been working on some kind of stream of consciousness project when he was putting together this work. It begins with young Martin Sheen in his very first part for big or small screen as a young drifter, former golden gloves champion who has adopted that universal name for GIs in the late World War of Kilroy. Life hasn't been kind to him. Watching him I got the impression he was auditioning for the part of another Williams protagonist Chance Wayne in Sweet Bird Of Youth. He later played it.

El Camino Real, known in English as the King's Road or if you're from Brooklyn, King's Highway. That's a touch of irony for Williams as this road is a last stop to Palookaville, the former golden gloves champ would have understood that reference. These people are all in Palookaville only those who've been their longer have lost their pretensions.

Others you'll recognize are Lotte Lenya, Hurd Hatfield, and Janet Margolin. Interesting people, but all looking for a story.

I hope they find one.
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