Scandal: Boom Goes the Dynamite (2013)
Season 2, Episode 15
Scandal: Boom Goes the Dynamite
24 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well, now you have the CIA Director purposely behind the hostage crisis (he fed info to the terrorists!) and murder of Wendy, which "compromised" David! You have President Fitz utilizing an old Navy friend, Jake Ballard (Scott Foley), to spy on Olivia (no matter what he tells Olivia, he can't get over her). You have Mellie and Cy operating a "silent feud" to gain favor with Fitz (Mellie uses Cy's advice on using drones to attack certain outposts to leverage the hostage release, while Cy encourages a reporter to posit a news report on Mellie "talking to hostage families with her husband's blessing"). Olivia's team is working to get a new client elected as governor of SC, but he'll need to "get a fake wife" in order to appeal to the conservative base that would put him in office! Oh, that isn't the tip of the iceberg…he's sleeping with his brother's (a senator) wife! David fears for his life as he believes someone is following and spying on him. David and Abby are still humping like bunnies. While reassuring Fitz that Olivia is seeing no one, he has become attracted to her and works his way into a second date with her. Huck has not recovered from the waterboarding torture, unable to shower, which creates a smell that repels Olivia's team. So, no surprise, the show sees no sign of taking a breath: busy, busy, busy. When a hostage is beheaded as the president must watch with his political entourage in horror, you have quite a hot, ongoing story.
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