Lousy porno thriller
17 June 2015
Dated earlier (1975 rather than 1977) by Alpha Blue Archives in its Joe Davian boxed set of DVDs, PREY OF A CALL GIRL is crummy entertainment for any year. The director's sloppy excuse for a porn film fails on all levels.

Davian's untalented discovery Tara Cheung, who dimmed the silver screen starring in REVENGE AND PUNISHMENT is back as hooker Lana Libra, her character's name certainly the only creative contribution here. Roger Caine stars as the police detective who delivers frequent verbal exposition as the film pretends to have a storyline when in fact it is merely concerned with delivering the minimum daily requirement of torture and mayhem for an audience of slobs some 40 years ago.

One doesn't exactly feel the need to take a shower after viewing this junk; rather I wanted to insert a cleaner disk in my DVD player the way we used to clean the heads of a VHS machine. Movie gets off squarely aimed at its viewership with a lengthy scene of an enema bag inserted in the heroine's vagina, and builds on this basis of sleaze to various kinks of nipple clamps, cat o' nine tails, double penetration and the like.

Cheung gives a literally pained performance throughout, subjected to torture by the bad guy and his henchmen. Jack Haley Jr. would not classify this boring spectacle as entertainment, and neither do I.

Sole point of interest for me is heroine Victoria Corsault who goes undercover to aid Caine in capturing all the bad guys red-handed (a very clumsily and cheaply staged "party" scene climax that looks like a home movie). She reminded me at times of Chelsea Clinton, an odd association to be sure, but hey - my mind wanders while watching this garbage.

Gresham's Law is firmly in effect: a no-talent hack like Davian lives on with a small following decades after his porn career dried up, yet literally thousands of directors from Hollywood's Golden Age and their brethren around the world are completely forgotten. Latterday video distributors have seemingly abandoned the mainstream altogether in search (increasingly in vain) of a fast buck.
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