Star Trek: A Taste of Armageddon (1967)
Season 1, Episode 23
A sanitised but deadly war
10 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Enterprise is on a mission to open diplomatic relations between the Federation and Eminiar VII but as they approach they are ordered to stay clear of the planet. Diplomat Ambassador Robert Fox orders Kirk to continue so he can continue his mission regardless. To ensure it is safe Kirk, Spock and three red-shirts beam down to the surface. They find an advanced civilisation and receive a friendly welcome… however they soon find out that Eminiar VII is at war with a neighbouring planet and an attack occurs while they are there. This is no ordinary war though; no actual bombs are dropped so there are no injuries and no structural damage however there are real fatalities… those declared 'killed' must report to be disintegrated. Nobody refuses to comply for fear of real bombs being used again. The rules also include ships in orbit and that includes the Enterprise! Not surprisingly Kirk has no intention of sacrificing his crew and decides to end this strange war hoping real war with all the suffering it entails will lead to peace.

This episode features an interesting concept although it seems a little unlikely that any society would continue a war for five hundred years without trying to negotiate a peace even if it was highly sanitised. Still if one can suspend ones disbelief about that it is a fine story with a good mixture of action and drama. Gene Lyons puts in an enjoyable performance as Ambassador Fox; the diplomat who seems to make the wrong decision at every opportunity but eventually proves his worth. David Opatoshu is also good as Eminiar leader Anan 7 who is convinced that their way of war is more civilised. With Kirk and Spock trapped on the surface Scotty is left in charge of the Enterprise leading to some fun scenes that give James Doohan more to do than usual. Overall a pretty good episode with plenty of tension and a solid enough story.
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