The Last Kiss (2006)
excellent writing!
23 April 2015
I don't know how this could have anything but an excellent rating! This movie is so well written, directed, and acted! It is so realistic and true to everyday relationships and the true nature of them and how we react to them, and in them. As a middle aged woman, I can truly relate in part to nearly every single character in the movie, and appreciate their perspective! It is also full of hilarious rhetoric between friends! The emotion, whether happy, sad, sexy, etc. is entirely believable and well acted and draws you in to caring about the relationships, as well as relating to all of them in different ways. I enjoyed every minute of this film, including the out of the ordinary, but extremely fulfilling ending. Each actor did a fantastic job, and with this cast, that isn't surprising. As much as I appreciate the authenticity and realism in this movie, the humor is equally enjoyable. Very witty, moving, funny, sad, everything you could ask for in a great movie! I wish more people wrote like this!
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