This will be the next "Blackfish"
17 April 2015
When recommending this to friends -- and some of these friends, mind you, are HORROR movie fanatics -- were to SCARED to see this film. "The thought of animal abuse is just to scary," they said.

And they are right. Animal abuse is scary.

But if you feel a pang in your heart at the thought of it, then you don't let fear deter you. This film is actually a beautiful exposure of many cases of animal abuse that will both, educate and enthrall you with it's overall message.

Gormon Bechard is known for his rock and music documentaries and I think he can add "A Dog Named Gucci" to that category. Gucci is a rock star in his own right. He gained notoriety in his community, had hordes of fans, was featured talk shows, newscasts, and even in book signings, and best of all -- he and his owner, Doug James, changed legislation in their state and sent ripple effects into our country and won the hearts of millions.

I am positive after this movie is over you will love Gucci too...just keep the tissues handy (you will both cry sad and happy tears).
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