Pacific Rim (2013)
Bonkers B Movie Blockbuster
29 March 2015
I wonder how the pitch meeting for this film went . No let me guess ...

"I've a great idea . Earth gets invaded by giant lizards and people controlling giant robots . A bit like Godzilla meets Transformers but instead of getting our ass sued for plagiarism we call the lizards Kaijus and the robots Jaegers . Please sign your cheques to ..."

"Don't bother wasting our time sonny . Next please"

"Six horny teenagers are driving along and their car breaks down in a dark forest and ..."

This isn't what actually happened and the unimaginative studio executives green lit the film which is indeed GODZILLA vs TRANSFORMERS . If you've seen the trailers and clips you'll know what you're getting Summer blockbuster spectacle and possibly like me you gave it a very wide berth . Wait a minute though , perhaps Mexican Guillermo Del Toro is conscious of this and has done something that at first hand seems impossible - he's made a Summer FX driven spectacular blockbuster that is genuinely fun

With the opening three minutes that could have been a movie in its own he tells the audience everything they need to know including a well thought out reason as to why humanity needs to build giant human powered robots but it's with the human elements he hits the bulls eye . Again being non American he's probably well aware that international audiences get a bit fed up watching hunky square jawed brave Americans saving mankind so he's brought a multinational twist to the story . The head of the military is black? Fair enough but why's he talking with a London accent worthy of Dick Van Dyke himself ? Who cares and we have American actors playing British characters complete with weird accents and no one in this film is capable of doing an Australian accent and it sums up the rest of the characters and the film itself where everything is camp , colourful and there's a constant wink to the audience that's constantly saying " Look this is absolute B movie nonsense but come on you're enjoying every single silly minute of this aren't you ?"

I know I enjoyed every single silly minute of this B movie nonsense . Put Del Toro in charge of Hollywood blockbusters now
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