Life is cliché but you have the ability to turn it into something fantastic!
14 March 2015
I have read reviews about this movie being a total cliché. Well, think about life of any ordinary human being these days. You're born, luckily someone will take care of and love you -- parents -- and you're likely to go through pre-school, elementary, mid-school, high school, college and find a job, get married, have kids or a career. What is different in all of that? It is YOU!! You think, therefore you are able to make your existence worth. Some will make it, some will not. Some will get nowhere although they totally were born equipped and some will do so much better against all the odds. Life. We all look for the same thing: happiness! Find a point to support our existence, find our passion. and maybe, finding nothing at all, just live one day at a time and enjoying the show as it is. Some good days and bad days, but yes, as long as there is life, there is hope. It is a total cliché, and it is total true! Find your joy, find your passion, it might be just before your eyes! Life is a show, I don't want my money back, not yet, not now!
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