Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Business as Usual (1997)
Season 5, Episode 18
Quark is faced with the possibility that he MIGHT have a conscience.
18 January 2015
A few episodes before this one, Quark's cousin, Gaila (Josh Pais), ruins Quark....for kicks. Because of this, Quark is broke and his future very bleak--especially since he's a Ferengi. So, when Gaila shows up at Quark's bar, you wonder what more can the cousin do to him?! No, it seems that he is actually there for a business proposition and perhaps bankrupting Quark was all part of this plan. So what is the plan? Quark will open up the bar to entertain Gaila's business prospects--folks who come from all around the quadrant to buy various weapons. Quark seems to have no choice to accept--even though he has repeatedly stated that selling arms is against his personal code of honor, such as it is.

This is a rather clever episode and helps to further develop Quark as a character. While it's not among the very best of the Ferengi episodes, it is quite good and worth seeing.
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