Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Crossover (1994)
Season 2, Episode 23
"Mirror, Mirror...Part 2"
19 December 2014
This is a sequel to an episode from the original "Star Trek". It's a follow-up to "Mirror, Mirror"--one of the very best of the old episodes. In this old episode, a landing party beams back to the Enterprise--only to discover it's AN Enterprise from a parallel world. This world is much like the original one except that the Federation is a force of evil and the Enterprise crew advance in rank through betrayals and assassinations! It's an incredibly cool episode--and a must-see for fans.

"Crossover" begins with Major Kira and Dr. Bashir arriving at Deep Space 9--except that it's not their Deep Space 9. Instead, it's from the same parallel world visited by the Enterprise. Interestingly, it shows the results of the previous contact has been drastic. The 'nice' crew members apparently did something to soften the evil Federation-- so much so that now the Cardassians and Klingons are the dominant force in the quadrant--and human are on the run! And, interestingly, the evil Major Kira is a high official in this evil empire--and a sexy official with attitude!

Too often the Trek shows are extremely nice and astoundingly perfect--often TOO perfect. With episodes like this one and the Maquis, you finally see a different sort of future--a dark, twisted and darkly funny one. Well worth seeing, though the original episode is a touch better.
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