Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Circle (1993)
Season 2, Episode 2
The annoying Bajoran saga, part two.
16 December 2014
This is the second episode in a three-part series about the Bajorans and their power struggles. It is also the first three-part series in Trek history.

When the show begins, Major Kira is spending time with Vedek Bareil. She hates meditating and he introduces her to the 'third orb' and she has some goofy visions. Then, the scene switches back to DS9 and Quark, oddly, is quite helpful in uncovering a plot by someone to arm Bajoran dissidents and help perpetuate chaos on Bajor--and considering how annoying and unlikable the Bajorans generally are on the show, this will NOT be hard to do! When the action (such as it is) switches back to Bajor, Kira learns who is behind some of the plotting against the provisional government (hint: he has a really cool voice).

Overall, while I did dislike the Bajorans (as usual), it was a better episode than episode two--mostly because the Commander and his Starfleet staff began to behave sneaky and proactive. Interesting and it does start to get interesting here...that is apart from the silly religious visions at the beginning of the show.
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