Dumb and Dumber To tried to force one-liners on us. Ain't nobody got time for that.
16 November 2014
Ugh. I knew it wouldn't be good — but I didn't realize how bad it would be. Ouch. Guys … sometimes you need to let the past be the past. During the entire movie I was reminded of an out-take from Liar Liar … "Overactor!" From Jim Carrey exaggerating this arms while walking to the over-the-top cross-eyes from Jeff Daniels, this was simply painful to watch.

This morning Matt and I watched the original Dumb and Dumber to make sure we're weren't judging this movie differently now that we are older (and wiser perhaps?) Nope. We're not wiser … this sequel is really as bad as it looks. The sequel just tried too hard. The jokes are pushy. The storyline lame. And did I mention the overacting? What made Dumb and Dumber great was that it seemed to be unexpected. I don't think they expected it to be one of the best quotable movies of all time. Who would have predicted "Austria! Beautiful … let's put another shrimp on the barbie" would be something we would quote for over two decades? It's crazy – but we did. It wasn't forced.

Dumb and Dumber To tried to force one-liners on us. Ain't nobody got time for that.

In my opinion, the big underlying challenge with this movie is that they made Lloyd and Harry idiotic, instead of dumb. That may seem like a thin line, but it's noticeable. Watch Dumb and Dumber again — while they made dumb moves their characters weren't completely out of it. They acted like young children who were trying to be cool adults between annoying sounds and chuckling at Flo the waitress. Dumb and Dumber To made Lloyd and Harry out to be completely off the planet. They're characters did not bring the same heart we loved about them 20 years ago.

It's just bad. Don't spend your money at the theater. Don't rent it. Wait until you can catch it on Netflix or Comedy Central when nothing else is on. Keep living the Dumb and Dumber of the 90s … it was a lot funnier.
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