Review of Sara

Arrow: Sara (2014)
Season 3, Episode 2
Heartbreaking, One of Arrow's Best Episodes
15 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really thought season 3 would struggle to top or at least be on par with season 2 because of how emotionally powerful each episode was last season. Well, Arrow has once again proved me wrong. 'Sara' was probably the most emotional episode Arrow has offered so far, and definitely one of the best.

Just watching each reaction that the Arrow family has when they find out Sara died. Every single cast member was on top of their game this week. Katie Cassidy gave her best performance so far and shared some very powerful scenes with Stephen Amell. Speaking of Amell, he has improved so much as an actor since the series premiere two years ago. He has held his own and has become one of the better 'criers' in Hollywood. The scenes between Oliver and Felicity were incredible. Hearing Oliver and Felicity talk about Sara and start to tear up got my eyes to water a bit. That goes to show you just how great this show has become. I am emotionally invested to each of the characters so to see one go, not to mention my favorite, was devastating. I really hope we get to see more of Caity Lotz in flashbacks because she brought so much to this show.

On a less emotional level, I thought the villain was once again decent even though we barely got to know him. I thought the few lines he gave were good enough to establish his motives in an otherwise anti-climatic scene. Laurel has really improved as a character since last season, and so has Katie Cassidy, and the scene where she almost shoots Komodo was really powerful considering her character arc. Ray Palmer also shared some well acted scenes with Felicity. I'm already warming up to having Brandon Routh on the show, but I hope this doesn't mean Felicity is out of team Arrow. Well, Diggle is already sort of back so I think my answer to that is no. It was also a nice touch to hear Dig is naming his daughter Sara.

It was nice to see Tommy back, although the writers spoiled that months ago in interviews. Perhaps the timing of this didn't entirely make sense considering the emotion that the present timeline gave us, but still an interesting take on Oliver's whereabouts. Back to Laurel, I can understand it would be hard for her to tell Quentin about Sara, but it was just frustrating and I don't want that to be one of the dangling story arcs for the season. A story arc that has become ever-so-interesting is Thea and Malcom. It wasn't surprising to see them of course, but it didn't fail to give me goosebumps hearing Thea say "thanks dad". The preview shows an interaction between Oliver and Thea next episode, which I figured would be put off till later this season but it brings up the question of Malcom potentially having a scene with Oliver for the first time in two years.

The season already has me constantly thinking about story arcs and how things tie together and were only in the third episode. I love this show.

+Stephen Amell & cast give heartbreaking performances

+Katie Cassidy's best episode

+Warming up to Routh

+Komodo was interesting

+Tommy :(

+Malcom & Thea scene = Goosebumps

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