Sword Art Online (2012– )
It's not just a game.
23 July 2014
Sword Art Online. When I first heard the name my first thought wasn't that it was an anime, it sounded like all those online social games that I see ads for like Trivian or Fusion Fall. If you thought something like that too, you're actually not too far from the truth. The anime is based on an initially 14 year old boy dubbed as Kirito who was a beta-tester for a Virtual Reality Online Social Game Breakthrough that was invented in the fairly near future. The specific game is called Sword Art Online, a brilliantly designed VR MMO conceived by genius, Akehiko Kayaba. Kirito was apparently a Beta-tester for the game. He is all about games and is quite the pro. Who'd of thought being a game geek would save your life. The thousands of players across the world who are logged into SAO access their menus and discover that the Log Out option is gone. They learn that the creator has chosen to enact his dream to construct a world of his design where he could rule. If a player dies there, they die IRL(in real life) and if their headgear is removed IRL they will also die. Kirito generally lives his life in the game as a solo-player. At least try imagining normal games and you'll get how the world of SAO is. Like the Sims!

Promotion, promotion promotion...It really is important in anime, especially when the Manga isn't even SJ. Among the anime that are new and not THAT popular, SAO is definitely among the best. In fact, among fairly new anime, It is comparable with let's say Kill La Kill(I know nothing about it tho), Akame Ga Kill and even possibly Attack On Titan. But like I said, Promotion. There are so many moments in SAO that'll make the viewer go like, "OMG he did not just do that!" Or "Whoa, what happened!" One of the main things I love about it, especially the first half, is that you can totally relate to it if you have enough gaming experience. Like forming parties with other players or how in games a lot of things aren't done the full way-like in those cooking games when you don't actually chop the food like that but just move the knife once- or those moments in open-world games when you accidentally wander into a trap room or enemy territory. Or how there are always those objects in video games that can't be tampered with like the referee in a fighting game or a building in the background(immortal objects). There are also levels, stages and crazy boss battles with health bars, good players, red players, money and etc... It takes two of the things I love most in the world(Video Games and Anime) into one. There's enough suspense and a lot of romance. The action is also well done and epic in the main fights as the characters struggle to make a living and survive in this new world. It can be quite sad and emotionally packed at times, making the series all the more dramatic as the characters fight to beat the game and free themselves of SAO and learn more about the reasons for Akehiko Kayaba's actions. There are some really fun, epic and tear-jerking moments. The first half is so freaking sweet. The second half unfortunately may annoy some viewers as it isn't as emotionally packed, serious(not until the end at least) or interesting. The second part actually feels more like a Super Mario game. All things considered, it is an undoubtedly mad series, preferably the first half to me, but not by too much. I'm torn between a 9 and a 10 here. All things considered, plus too improve the current score, I'll be cool. Overall, I'm not sure who is more brilliant for their creation: Kayaba or series creator Reki Kawahara! SAO=10/10!
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