Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child (1963)
Season 1, Episode 1
First episode AMAZING. The rest.....does it's job well enough
22 July 2014
Review of all 4 episodes Let's start with the first episode of the greatest show ever put on television, Doctor Who, created in 1963 by Sydney Newman and produced by Verity Lambert (And make sure to check out the brilliant docudrama An Adventure In Space And Time for the story on how the series was made) Now, let's get it out of the way. The first episode of Doctor Who is a MASTERPIECE. Hands down. It flows well, it's got a great mystery surrounding Susan and the introduction to the show is pulled off with perfection. Then we go to episodes 2-4. Now, this is where it gets difficult. Episodes 2-4 are not all that great. Nothing really happens except a paper thin "capture and escape" plot along with a tiresome caveman storyline. HOWEVER, episodes 2-4, despite how paper-thin they are, do their job very well in establishing the characters and themes of the show, doing a great job in developing the character of the doctor. So, in conclusion, the first episode is masterful and while episodes 2-4 aren't all that good, they do their job well enough.

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