The film that was so funny, it's American producers decided to shelve it for five years!!!
7 July 2014
Satire has a hard time in Hollywood these, well, decades really. I was shocked to realize that this gem was produced way back in 2003 (at the height of the terrorism hysteria) ... and weren't released until five years later, and that only via home entertainment. Many recognizable faces (some already then, some later coming into TV prominence) have bit parts in this biting satire over everything stupid in contemporary America and everywhere else. It sounds like a perfect formula. And for once, it actually is. It is a breath of fresh air in a sea of really lousy "comedies", 'Scary Movie 27' and the lot.

Imagine that scene, some producers sit in their office and say, "This Onion stuff is really funny, let's ask them if they'd be interested in making a feature movie from it." The movie gets made, comes back: "That's so (...) funny." "Yeah ... We can't put it out." "Yeah, let's not put it out." "It's just too frickin' funny, ain't it?" "Yeah, it'll give us loads of problems to put that out."

Americans seriously need to get a sense of humour. (...) you and good night. (Actual line from the film.)

Oh, and God bless Seth McFarlane for picking up that thread. Americans sorely need it.
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