Doctor Who: World's End (1964)
Season 2, Episode 4
The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part 1: Imperfect but still a brilliant classic
6 July 2014
Review of all 6 episodes:

This story running from World's End for 6 episodes marks the return of the Daleks and was an extremely important story in establishing Doctor Who's popularity. This time the Daleks are more frightening because not only have they got additional powers of movement in different terrains and new levels of evil ambition but they are also the invaders of Earth. To show them on Earth and in fantastic, iconic scenes around famous London landmarks with London and apparently the world turned largely to ruins, provides real fear and drama.

The human race has been reduced to hiding or serving the Daleks. This is all powerful stuff even now, let alone in the early sixties so near in memory to similar threats of the Nazis.

The story also marks the first departure of one of the Doctor's companions, his grand-daughter Susan. Her character has a decent last story and while she had lost her appeal somewhat, her leaving scenes provide moving and lovely magic from William Hartnell with a superbly written and acted speech of incredible dignity and pathos.

There are various imperfections such as strange elements to the scientific explanations and plans of the Daleks and far less effective Dalek voices than the first or later stories. However there is is so much else to recommend this story that these issues pale to insignificance. Plot issues and less well executed elements mainly occur in the 4th and 5th episodes but they are still mostly strong episodes and the rest of the serial is very high quality. It is exciting, menacing, absorbing, with striking ideas and imagery.

The story is written by Terry Nation but David Whitaker as script editor deserves some credit for this and all previous stories. This marks the last story before the departure of Whitaker from that role, he would only return as a guest writer.

A must see story in the history of Doctor Who.

My Ratings: Episodes 1-3 - 10/10, Episode 4 - 9/10, Episode 5 - 8.5/10, Episode 6 - 9.5/10.

Overall average rating: 9.5/10.
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