Review of 47 Ronin

47 Ronin (2013)
Seriously people this movie is pretty good
24 June 2014
Oh come on people! I was not expecting much from this movie. Keanu Reeves tends not to be the most "dramatic", or "intensive" kind of actor. However, Keanu Reeves is a flexible role actor. In Johnny Mnemonic, Devils Advocate, or even Henry's Crime he shows he is willing to do roles that are different. Namely what I like about Keanu Reeves is that I can be entertained. In this movie what you should get out of it is that you are entertained.

Many will critique that the movie is not historically accurate. Well fair enough, but if you know your Japanese History it is full of details and nuances. Thus to do justice to this story you would probably need about 4 to 5 hours, or 2 parts. And I am very sure that while Hollywood could pull it off, it was not in the cards. Not dissing Japanese culture, just pointing out that Japanese culture is very formal, and very nuanced which makes it hard to do accurately in a movie.

Of course this movie does not break new ground in the sense of drama, but if you are willing to overlook this movie then you will be entertained.
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