Long Weekend (1978)
An Ozploitation gem.
8 June 2014
Peter (John Hargreaves) and Marcia (Briony Behets) are a city couple going through a very rough time in their marriage. But they still go on a weekend excursion to the wilderness for some camping, hiking, surfing, and the like. The problem is that Mother Nature doesn't want to help them have a good time; in fact, just the opposite. It's established early on that they display a callous disregard for the flora and fauna in their midst, and things become nightmarish and keep getting worse.

Chalk up another interesting script for the prolific Everett De Roche ("Patrick", "Roadgames", "Razorback"), who gives us characters obviously not intended to be sympathetic but still is able to get us involved in their plight. Director & producer Colin Eggleston ("Cassandra") is able to develop an overwhelmingly sinister and uneasy atmosphere, injecting melodrama from his characters' lives at select points but never letting it distract from the suspense.

Beautiful scenery and impressive widescreen photography by Vincent Monton combine with lush music composed by Michael Carlos and first rate animal action here. In addition, the scenario manages to keep from being overly predictable, and there is a level of surrealism as we see that Peter and Marcia often end up travelling in circles, and an incident during the weekend, involving a dugong, keeps coming back to haunt them. There are effective animal attacks, but these never become the films' main reason for existing. Instead, the tension between our two main characters (very well played by Hargreaves and Behets) is made more palpable by the situations in which they find themselves.

A somber and serious film, this is well worth a look for any follower of the entire "nature strikes back" genre.

Eight out of 10.
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