Secret Agent: The Galloping Major (1964)
Season 1, Episode 4
Politics, African style...
15 January 2014
Prime Minister Kamunga (William Marshall) has called in John Drake to provide him protection during his election. Kamunga claims that someone is out to kill him and thereby give the election to his rival, Dr. Manudu. So, Drake pokes around--keeping his eyes open and his mouth shut. Eventually, the trail seems to lead to a very ambitious military officer who appears to be ready to lead a coup.

This episode gets a plus because of its sense of humor. The old English landlady who owns the place where Drake stays is a hoot. Mrs. Mannington is DEFINITELY a relic of the colonial past and is pretty funny. Additionally, I liked how yet another pretty lady threw himself at Drake, yet Drake seemed impervious to her allure. He is definitely NOT like James Bond in this sense--but it also makes his character a lot more believable. Overall, a decent episode but one whose finale seemed a tiny bit anticlimactic to me. Still, it's well worth seeing just to watch William Marshall--a wonderful actor who too often is only remembered for the Blacula movies and not his amazing voice and talents.
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