Basically an Art Appreciation, Do not Find it Realistic
4 January 2014
The artistry of this film is a Great Beauty in itself. But in terms of realism, I feel disconnected from the behaviour of the characters. I really wonder if the "activities" represent what most middle-aged people (and loaded with cash, of course) would do when they ponder what to spend, or think, through the remainder of their lifespan.

I am assuming some of these old guys do not have grandchildren, and are in the arts business, to go through nightlife and play around like a youth fresh into university. Because, common sense will tell you the 'priority list' that old people will do for the rest of their lives - i) spend more time with family, especially with grandchildren, ii) managing investments/ wills, iii) catching up with old friends or attend funerals, iv) probably play around with hobbies that are more relaxing and make more sense than 'night-clubbing', v) travelling. I am not against nightlife for the older generation, but the movie over-emphasized this.

By the way, they all look perfectly healthy (no medical appointments??). This is a very obvious point because health is likely to be a daily topic amongst the elderly, but there isn't' a single conversation on health in this movie! BIG BIG minus point. Some guys in their 20s already have more medical problems than the old men and women in this film!

I am not an art person and therefore I am giving some leeway that there may be some intention on why the film is designed as such. But, I feel the movie could have been more wholesome. Wholesome-ness is definitely not a beauty found in this movie. More importantly, the age group is totally out-of-whack. I would have enjoyed the movie more if it were people in their 30-40s (i.e. mid-life crisis) but I refuse to believe that it represents the lifestyle of an ageing Roman society. I hope it stays away from winning major int'l awards.
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