Prepare yourself for this one...
2 January 2014
It is hard to write a review on a film you are not meant to enjoy. The infamous Salo is not pleasure cruise. Perhaps seeming a little aged around the edges it still has the power to shock and appal. That is an impressive feat considering all the extreme horrors films that have been released since.

It is easy to say who should book a flight to the other side of the world when the film starts. It you dislike sexual humiliation, taboo themes, psychologically intense cinema, torture and the consumption of something which resembles chocolate. If you have never viewed a art film this isn't the one to start with.

Watch this film if you like your emotions tested. Your disgust monitor will be exercised. If you like a film to make you think then Salo will certainly do that. You may dart to the nearest message to rant about how vile the film is or you will be debating the socio-political meaning behind the films' imagery.

This film is a hard one to get out of my head. Scenes ( especially a disturbing circle near the end, I don't want to give away the 'key' moments), linger in the mind like a nightmarish gallery of torment. I might watch it in order to see if I missed anything which might change my evaluation of the film. I haven't done so yet.
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