A Sequel that surpasses it's predecessor
31 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Though somewhat controversial, J.J Abrams Star Trek Reboots are masterfully well crafted and Into Darkness is certainly no exception.

This film definitely brings it's name sake to the Trek Universe. It delves into darker and more intense territory than previous. The most striking thing that I noticed about this film was how seamlessly universal themes of love and sacrifice bleed out from the real world and into the fictional realm of this story. One of the very first scenes involves a dying child with her frightened parents at her side. The exchange that follows forces us to imagine ourselves in the same situation. What are the limits of your compassion? Would you do anything to save the ones you love? It's amazing to me that a simply science fiction film can ask such profound and philosophical questions such as these.

The film certainly has heart but it doesn't falter in other aspects either. This is truly a beautiful film. The cinematography and colour palette's certainly please the eye. This film takes us to a few different locations and each one feels as vibrant and real as the last. The acting is superb as well. The cast from the first film all come back to reprise their respected roles, along with some great new comers too. Benedict Cumberbatch in particularly gives a powerful performance as Khan. A super-human terrorist hell bent on revenge. His brutal and icy demeanor is extremely intimidating. He is doubtlessly one of the best movie villains of the 21st century.

Star Trek: Into Darkness takes every stake and risk to the next level. It's a thrilling and excellent sequel to an equally rock-solid reboot. The characters are more fleshed out and expanded upon and the threat of danger is cranked to the maximum. I really enjoyed this one and I'm sure fans of the 2009 film will too.
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