A fantastic film which captures the real essence of Tolkien's world!
17 December 2013
The Desolation of Smaug can be seen as a new high for both Peter Jackson and the Middle Earth Saga. From beginning to end this film entertains and immerses you into Tolkein's and Jackson's world. From the actors to jaw dropping environments that the band travel through this film is very well delivered. Having said this, there are times that the director's artistic design does leave you questioning the decision making, of which chief of these is the over use of CGI.

The use of CGI in the film may be my only negative point from the new Hobbit films. Unlike the Lord of the Rings trilogy, almost every aspect of film has been touched upon by the rendering teams. This is most obvious during the numerous fight scenes where over emphasised movements are replaced by a CGI model. I feel that this will not only cause the films to age quickly but it throws the audience out from their immersed state as they recognise the unnatural movements and graphics of characters.

Despite this, Jackson has hit a near perfect note. The second part seems to be more mature and refined that the first in almost every way. For example, the 3D never took away from the overall production like it did at times for the first.

For many people, they will be drawn to this from the book. Of which I must defend the director rather than the hardcore Middle Earth enthusiasts. There are 'new' parts to the film which Jackson has added himself that the book does not cover. As we know, legolas' return was a surprise to many, but in no way does it take away from the overall feel. Jackson has done a very good job to build upon the short remarks and comments that Tolkien only mentions in passing and this not only adds to the film but arguably the story of the Hobbit.

Overall, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is bounds ahead of its predecessor in terms of design and production. The added story lines only adds to the narrative and the cinematography is consistent with our expectations of a Peter Jackson production. Whilst disappointed with the over indulgence in computer graphics I would still highly recommend this film in either mode, although the 3D does have some truly spectacular moments which should not be missed. I give this a 8.5 - 9 as Jackson has excelled himself with his latest release.
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