Sex and the City: Three's a Crowd (1998)
Season 1, Episode 8
The First Real Group Episode
1 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was the first episode in which you really got all four of them's stories at the same time, which was the hallmark of the series and what made the audience love it so much.

Carrie's part of the story was frustrating. She through such a fit about Mr. Big having been married in the past. I felt like going in meeting the wife under false pretenses was lame on her part, how Shallow was she? Okay, he was married and he didn't tell her before them, but really she didn't ask. How would she have reacted if he told her on the first date? And, he left his wife and she was still acting like he wasn't his wife and not her.

Charlotte's part of the episode was great, it was one of Charlotte's best episodes. I felt like she wasn't a prude for a moment and it made me like her more. I may have never liked Charlotte if it wasn't for this episode. I had to say though, the guy who was dating her was just using her for sex and he wanted a three-way because he wanted to have someone else to sleep with before he left her.

Miranda's part of the episode was downright funny. She has the same kind of reaction that I probably would have had when her friends didn't want to have sex with her. I don't think she wanted to sleep with them, she just wanted to feel beautiful. I think that her answering that ad and then leaving was little over the top though, she should know she is beautiful just the way she is.

Sam's part of the episode was pretty laid back for Sam. She usually is so much more fun and interesting but her sleeping with a guy and then the wife wanting to be part of the relationship, that was a-typical.
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