The Incredible Hulk: Interview with the Hulk (1981)
Season 4, Episode 15
David's finally spotted...and it does him a world of good
20 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
David's finally discovered by a reporter but, as fate would have it, not by McGee but fellow journalist Emerson Fletcher (Michael Conrad). Working for the Register and sharing a desk with McGee, Fletcher accidentally gets a lead meant for McGee on a Hulk sighting and sets out for the story.

As with all the good "Hulk" episodes; this one's steered by a moral compass. Once Fletcher gets David to sign on for an exclusive story (as long as his anonymity is secure) the reporter empathizes with David's plight and sees in him a strong character. Through flashbacks we learn that Fletcher has dealt with a devastating loss that has rendered him a cynic who cares for little in life, least of all his own integrity.

A terrific episode in all respects. As it turns out; David is very relieved at talking about his circumstances after being on the run for so long and keeping this big secret. His story in the end helps Fletcher deal with his own issues and in return the reporter helps David elude McGee for the umpteenth time.

Fans of the show appreciate the serious approach the filmmakers took for the series. Hiding out for so long, running from town to town and keeping his Jekyll and Hyde condition a secret while desperately searching for cure; it's not surprising that David finds solace in talking this out...even if it's with a reporter. On his previous destination ("The First") David came closer than ever to ridding himself of his condition only to have his hopes thrashed yet again. David seems a bit hopeless here and that may explain his (even more than usual) polite attitude to the reporter.

I've always felt that this would have provided the perfect start to begin ending the series. This great episode was followed by the pretty bad "Half Nelson" and David's quest for a cure took a complete backseat to rehashed stories of previous seasons with possibly only two highlights of episodes for fans (Season 5's "The Veteran" and "A Minor Problem - yet those episodes were just stand alone's and didn't involve David looking for a cure). The series was beginning to look a bit aimless and not long after "Interview with the Hulk" the show was canceled.
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