Alien Blood (1999)
Shoddy sci-fi/horror clunker
2 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to believe any film that blends aliens and vampires together could turn out to be such a stinker, but alas writer/director Jon Sorensen manages to fumble the ball something terrible in every possible way. For starters, the pace crawls at a painfully sluggish rate while the sloppy narrative meanders all over the place without ever acquiring any focus, tension, or momentum. Worse yet, Sorensen brings a heavy-handed pretentious artsy-fartsy sensibility to the movie that sucks all the fun out of it. The poorly staged action scenes consist mostly of clumsy martial arts that are done in groan-inducing strenuous slow motion. The cruddy (far from) special effects (the CGI alien is simply pathetic), underwhelming acting from an insipid cast, cheesy gore, and ugly cinematography add further abject insult to already appalling injury. Only some tasty gratuitous female nudity -- plus one guy who goes full monty for the ladies -- and Glyn Whiteside's lively portrayal of the ruthless Jouvet provide some slight relief from the overall tedium. A dismal dud.
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