It Didn't Suck!
27 April 2013
Even though I try to always go into horror films having no opinion or expectations, for Rob Zombie's latest, I was planning on, nay, hoping to hate it. And what to my surprise? I actually liked it! I didn't love it, but I did get the creeps through out the whole movie. The execution and direction of the movie was pretty solid. There were so many throwbacks to the 70's and 80's horror classics and it was done really well, without looking the slightest bit cheesy. The only weak part is Sheri Moon. I think she's a hottie with a body and I love the way she dances, she has spectacular rhythm, but she just can't cut it in a lead role. I really was hoping she could pull it off, but sadly, she's the weakest part of the film. I get that Rob loves her, but I think the only way for him to make a horror that will leave a mark in history is if he drops the nepotism. The other issue I had was the ending. It had all this suspense and then it just kind of ended with no kick. But overall, I would say The Lords of Salem made my skin crawl over a dozen times. I also have to point out the magnificent musical score. Some of the creepiest music and sounds I've ever heard in a movie. But honestly, with Zombie directing, one can only expect the sound editing to be the high point of the film. Either way, The Lords of Salem is definitely one to check out.

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