Biased to the opposition
20 February 2013
I very much wish that more people would eat healthier. The problems I have with this movie pertain to the biased nature of the movie. The people have an agenda just as their opposition has an agenda.

I hoped this movie would be a refreshing movie to review the good and bad of current food, and what people can do to take steps to correcting it. Instead it's a movie to allow those with biased attitudes to give half truths and peddle their books.

They don't make entirely true statements in the same way the Food Conglomerates make half true statements the other biased direction.

They already had me doubting their truthfulness when they started, and later continued, to reference High Fructose Corn Syrup to be a direct correlation to Cocaine. While I agree that people should not be ingesting as much HFCS as they are, and I agree it's not good for you. There was no need to lie and state HFCS is as bad as cocaine or even in any correlation.

HFCS is indeed a reduction of corn to a small concentrate. Cocaine is not just a reduction of a cocoa leaf in the same way as they state. Cocaine is also made by adding diesel fuel, and battery acid. The ways cocaine is horrible are NOT similar to the ways HFCS are.

They then go into the second half of the movie discussing how you should really juice all of your stuff. This is a load of crap. The only reason they gave for juicing over just plain eating all of the veggies (which is better for you as it contains needed fiber) is because apparently we've ruined our digestive system so we have to juice everything.

This movie is so completely biased in the opposite direction that it can't be taken to full truth value. It dashed my hopes and I can't recommend it to anyone.

There are mixed in many sound reasonable truths. However when it's peppered with falsity and half truths it loses credibility. Most unfortunate, wish I hadn't wasted my time.
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