Parker (2013)
Jason Statham's Weakest Film Yet
29 January 2013
I generally enjoy Jason Statham movies and even though they have been getting more and more generic as they go along, I still tend to enjoy them for the most part.

Unfortunately, this is not the case with Parker.

Based on what I had seen from the trailers, I didn't go into Parker expecting it to be great, but at least decent with some good action scenes in it. Even for a Jason Statham movie released in Janurary, Parker is surprisingly awful. I felt like I was watching a T.V movie. Statham gave a lazy performance as Parker and nothing about his character was interesting. The directing was really poor and whoever was directing really was just doing this for the paycheck. THe writing was even worse. It went between being a brutal revenge story and a crime caper action comedy too much and felt really unbalanced. The story was boring and played out like the most generic of these types of films. The action scenes weren't terrible, but they were very run-of-the-mill and there was nothing about them that made them exciting or entertaining to watch. What made the film even worse was that there were visible errors in the film that any director should've been able to notice such as an early scene in the film where Jason Statham is walking in the rain and you can clearly see where the hose is moving over Statham to make it look like it's raining. It only gets worse once Jennifer Lopez's annoying one dimensional character gets introduced.

Parker should've been a fun movie and there's really no excuse for it being as terrible as it is. After seeing this garbage, I honestly don't have any desire to see a Jason Statham movie again for a while (Unless it's Crank 3).

The tagline for Parker reads "To Get Away Clean, You Have To Play Dirty", and thats exactly what the people behind this film did.
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